Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions


Yes! As a virtual assistant based just outside of London, England I am able to work with clients all around the world! I mostly work with clients from the United States and feel so fortunate I get to help clients even from across the pond.



At VA For Therapists we don’t currently offer administrative services meaning we won’t be handing any of your client’s sensitive information.We are also GDPR registered and do our utmost to ensure your own data is kept securely. We follow strict data protection protocols to ensure the privacy and security of your data. Depending on the services you want to outsource we may have access to your social media profiles (with your permission) and we will work together to decide if you want me to respond to your direct messages. We encourage all therapists on social media to have strict boundaries and disclaimers when it comes to their clients engaging with their social media platforms. 



A connection call acts like a consultation call that most, if not, all therapists offer. It’s a way to get to know each other to see if it’s the right fit. You will know first hand that the rapport with a client is the most important thing, it’s exactly the same when it comes to working with a virtual assistant. There are no strings attached to this call. We will go over where you are at in your business, where you’d like to be and how we can help you get there. After the call you will be sent over bespoke packages that are specifically curated to you, your business, your budget and your needs. You will then have the choice over which package you want to go ahead with (we can go back and forth however many times you need to ensure you find the right package for you) and then the onboarding process begins.  


i can't afford virtual assistance but need help?

We understand that not every therapist has the budget to outsource on a recurring monthly basis which is why we offer different services to meet you where you are at. Please go to our services page for more information. 



We know that the idea of committing to outsourcing can be scary which is why we offer a month trial period which means you don’t need to give any notice if you decide it’s not the right fit for you. After the first month we have a 28 day notice period, this gives us enough time to wrap things up to ensure you are offboarded smoothly. We will both sign a terms of agreement to ensure that we are both on the same page. Some clients work with us for as little as a month and others we have worked long term (for over 2 years).


You deserve support. Asking for help is a sign of bravery, not weakness.

Your time is so valuable, so let’s starting treating it like it’s gold dust. Let’s help you gain more hours in the day.

I’m sure you already know this friend, but rest is productive too. Go put yourself on charge, we can’t run off 10% battery.

I see you. I hear you. Your feelings of overwhelm are valid.

Consider me your personal cheerleader, you’ve got this!

It’s time to fill up your cup with things that bring you joy.

Let’s give you a dose of fresh perspective on your business so you can fall back in love with the areas you’ve lost your spark on.

Let’s give you back time to focus on what matters most to you, your clients and your own mental health.

I am grateful for all the work you do, it doesn’t go unnoticed.


I am loved

I am appreciated

I am supported

I am deserving of success

As a therapist you know self care isn’t a luxury, I give you permission to take care of yourself like you care for others.

Let’s go from surviving in your business to thriving.